We have various packages available for floating, and if you love to float, our membership program for the best possible deals.
Single Floats and packages
The packages for a single individual
Single floats R 650
3 float package R1700
5 floats R 2650
10 float R 5000
Membership Options
Become a Cloud 9 float member, and you will not only get the best possible price for your floats, but loads of additional benefits as well:
We recommend at least 1 float a week (4 per month) to see the incredible results that floating has to offer.
- Essential membership package: 1 Float/ month only R 580
- Serenity membership package: 2 Floats / month only R 990
- Tranquility membership package: 4 Floats / month only R 1800
- Zen membership package: 8 Floats / month for only R 3200
Plus, Cloud 9 float members have access to the following benefits:
- You may introduce a new friend to floating whenever you float for only R580 instead of the R 650 regular price
- You can upgrade your float to 90 min for an additional R250 or to 2 hours for an additional R 400
- You qualify for a 20% discount on individual Kinesiology/N.O.T/Personal Transformation/postural analysis sessions with Angela
- You can enjoy our outdoor meditation space, before or after your float for as long as you like, including access to our guided meditation selection – bring your own headphones. (T’s and C’s apply)
- 20% discount on one on one meditation and mindfulness training with Angela
- Partner benefits, we negotiate partner discounts with other therapists/business/experiences.
- You can roll over un-used floats to another month of gift them to someone else if you are unable to make use of them for any reason.
T’s and C’s:
- Our minimum membership period is for 3 months.
- Payment is made monthly by debit order.
- One months notice should be given for cancellation.
- Membership is for a single individual, and while we do allow for you to gift your floats when you cannot make it, this is not intended as a way of sharing your membership with a partner. You are welcome to invite new friends to join you at a discounted rate in addition to your own floats.